A community of lawyers dedicated to helping anyone in the legal community, from admin assistants to partners, experiencing mental health and well-being problems. They work to raise awareness, promote understanding and improve the culture and practice of law.
A mental health charity, who offer information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.
Written by Richard Martin, he pulls no punches in describing his breakdown and the crushing social anxiety which left him too scared to even answer the front door.
The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai - a reason to jump out of bed in the morning. Written by Héctor García and Francesc Mirales, this book aims to help you find yours.
After Hal Elrod suffered with depression, he set about creating the Miracle Morning. These are six habits which helped transform his life and have been adopted by many around the world.
Written by Stephen R. Covey, this book is used by students and CEOs alike to reform their habits and become the best versions of themselves.